Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Congenial associates Essay Example for Free

Congenial associates Essay This want issues from the social need of gregariousness and acceptance. Management can aid the process by carefully planned and executed induction programs, provision of means to socialize through rest periods and recreational programs, and promoting the formation of work teams through proper work-station layouts and human-related work procedures. Credit for work done: This want issues from the egoistic classification of needs and can be supplied by management through verbal praise of excellent work, monetary rewards for suggestions, and public recognition through awards. Releases in employee’s newspapers, and the like. A meaningful job: This want issues from both the need for recognition and the drive toward self-realization and achievement. This is a very difficult want to supply, particularly in large organizations having minute division of work and mechanically paced assembly lines. Some research into the possibilities of job enrichment has indicated the possibility of integrating the need of employees for significant work and the need of the organization productive, co-ordinate activity. Opportunity to advance: Not all employees want to advance. Some feel the social needs more strongly than the egoistic ones. However, most employees like to know that the opportunity is there, should they desire to use it. This feeling is influenced by a cultural tradition of freedom and opportunity. Comfortable, safe, and attractive working condition: The want for good working conditions also rests upon multiple needs. Safe working conditions issue from the security need. The specific attributes, such as desks and rugs, constitute symbols of status denoting a hierarchy of importance. Much management has discovered that the allocation of such status symbols can be quite as difficult as the allocation of money. In today’s environment where the threat of violence is increasing safety is also an important factor which plays an important role in employee motivation. Competent and fair leadership: The want of good leadership can issue from physiological and security needs. Good leadership helps to assure that the organization and its jobs will continue to exist. In addition, the ego demands that one-respect person from whom orders and directions are to be received. It is very frustrating to be subjected personally to a command from an individual who is deemed unworthy and incompetent. Reasonable orders and directions: The order is the official communication of organization requirements. In general, it should be related to the requirements of the situation, capable of being executed, complete but not unnecessarily detailed, clear and concise, and given in a manner that stimulates acceptance. Unreasonable orders incapable of accomplishment serve only to increase insecurity and frustration. Unreasonable orders that work contrary to the best interests of the organization may lead to a form of malicious obedience; the employee takes great delight in following them to the letter in hopes of harming the superior who merits little respect. A socially relevant organization: The trend toward greater social expectations of private organizations has impact upon such an organization’s employee’s expectations. This want issues from human needs of self-esteem, and levies a highly challenging responsibility upon the organization’s management. In a job environment where the most of the above mentioned conditions will fulfilled the employees will be more committed and productive. The managers at ACTAVIS should fulfil the conditions above in order to achieve the desired goals. Solution through using theories: As Locke (1976) put forward a theory of motivation based on goal setting. The individuals in the company can be motivated by setting goal as Goal Theory suggest that it is the goal that an individual is aiming for which motivates, rather than just the satisfaction of attaining it. Locke’s view is that what a person values or desires determines the goals he sets for himself, but that what actually drives him (motivates him) are the goals themselves. Locke’s own researches indicated that individual performance was better when people had been set specific goals of a challenging or difficult nature, and when they received feedback on their performance. This approach clearly has implications for the practice of management-by-objectives of target setting. Which relies for its success on the mutual agreement of specific goals between a manager and his subordinate. A modern and a more permanent approach to motivation are through job enrichment. This involves putting meaning into jobs. In other words, it is putting Herzberg’s two-factor theory into effect by building motivators into the job. These motivators include achievement, growth, responsibility, advancement and recognition. This approach can also work for ACTAVIS since the company is renovating its units. According to the approach the company should plan to change the job contents of the employees in order to motivate them for the new unit settled by ACTAVIS in Bulgaria. A number of research studies have indicated that the job content is an important factor in motivating people. So the content of a routine or repetitive task must be restructured to provide motivation to the performer of that job. One way of restructuring the job is through job enrichment, or making jobs more meaningful. If a manager can include more of Herzberg’s motivators, people who perform such jobs utilize their skills and potentials to the best of their abilities and be more productive on the job. Thus, the jobs would be richer and not just bigger. Hence the use of the term job enrichment. Keeping in view the case of ACTAVIS following steps have been recommended to make jobs enriching: Selection of an area or job where an improvement in motivation will make a difference in performance or productivity. Clues such absenteeism, turnover, tardiness, poor quality, lack of interest and production delays may provide an answer in selecting an area or jobs to be enriched. Development of criteria for measuring changes in productivity among the employees in the selected area or job. These measurements may include rate of absenteeism, number of products rejected, waste, etc.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Why Has The Cost Of Navy Ships Risen? :: Military Government Spending

Why Has the Cost of Navy Ships Risen? Introduction Over the past four decades the cost of navy ships has exceeded the rate of inflation. Although navy increases the budget from $10 billion to $12 billion, they will achieve a fleet of 260 ships by the year 2035 rather than the 290 it now has. In this document the reason and the sources of the increase are investigated. The problem is also considered from the industry 's point of view. Some options for the Navy to reduce ship costs are found. In this document cost increase of four types of ships- nuclear attack submarines, guided missile destroyers, amphibious ships and nuclear aircraft carriers is noted. Generally we consider these four ships as a whole. Cost escalation of naval ships Ship class Cost in 1967 million $ Cost in 2005 million $ Cost Increase % Nuclear Attack Submarines $484 $2,427 401 Guided Missile Destroyers $515 $1,148 123 Amphibious Ships $229 $1,125 391 Nuclear Aircraft Carriers $3,036 $6,065 100 To organize analysis we divide sources of cost escalation factors into two groups.(economy driven and customer driven factors) Economy driven factors: Largely outside of the control of government such as worker wages and indirect labor cost, and material equipment cost. Customer driven factors are factors that the customer directly influences. Customer driven factors include elements the government wants on a ship. The most important problem from shipbuilders f perspective is their main customer government fs fluctuating demands. The growth of ship costs Since 1950 Naval ships costs have escalated at rate between 7-11 percent. However inflation over this period ranged from 4-5 percent. To observe the inflation we can look at CPI (consumer price index) CPI is the best known measure of changes in consumer prices. This index measures price changes to a sample of typical consumer goods. Annual growth rate of some CPI components CPI Component Annual Growth Rate (%) Private transportation 2.4 Food and beverage 4.2 Gasoline 4.9 Medical Care 6.6 College Tuition 8.0 Cost escalation rates for Force ships Ship Type Annual Growth Rate Amphibious ships 10.8 Surface combatants 10.7 Attach submarines 9.8 Nuclear Aircraft carriers 7.4 Cost escalation rate can be measured by (cost2/cost1)-1 Generally we examine the annual growth rate = (year2-year1) Ãƒ £cost2/cost1-1 We divide sources of cost escalation factors into two groups. Economy driven factors: Largely outside of the control of government. Economy driven factors may include worker wages and benefit costs, labor productivity, indirect labor cost, and material equipment cost. These factors affect all shipbuilding programs uniformly. Labor constitutes between 32 and 51 percent of the construction costs for the ships we analyzed. Equipment cost range from 35 to 57 percent of construction costs for the ships we analyzed, material cost range from 11 to 17 percent.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Parts Emporium Synopsis

Chapter 13: Parts Emporium* A. Synopsis This case describes the problems facing Sue McCaskey, the new materials manager of a wholesale distributor of auto parts. She seeks ways to cut the bloated inventories while improving customer service. Backorders with excessive lost sales are all too frequent. Inventories were much higher than expected when the new facility was built, even though sales have not increased. Summary data on inventory statistics, such as inventory turns, are not available. McCaskey decides to begin with a sample of two products to uncover the nature of the problems—the EG151 exhaust gasket and the DB032 drive belt. B. Purpose The purpose of this case is to allow the student to put together a plan, using either a continuous review system (Q system) or a periodic review system (P system), for two inventory items. Enough information is available to determine the EOQ and R for a continuous review system (or P and T for a periodic review system). Because stockouts are costly relative to inventory holding costs, a 95 percent cycle-service level is recommended. Inventory holding costs are 21 percent of the value of each item (expressed at cost). The ordering costs ($20 for exhaust gaskets and $10 for drive belts) should not be increased to include charges for making customer deliveries. These charges are independent of the inventory replenishment at the warehouse and are reflected in the pricing policy. C. Analysis We now find appropriate policies for a Q system, beginning with the exhaust gasket. Shown here are the calculations of the EOQ and R, followed by a cost comparison between this continuous review system and the one now being used. The difference is what can be realized by a better inventory control system. Reducing lost sales due to backorders is surely the biggest benefit. 1. EG151 Exhaust Gasket a. New plan Begin by estimating annual demand and the variability in the demand during the lead time for this first item. Working with the weekly demands for the first 21 weeks of 1994 and assuming 52 business weeks per year, we find the EOQ as follows: Weekly demand average = 102 gaskets/week Annual demand (D) = 102(52) = 5304 gaskets Holding cost = $1. 85 per gasket per year (or 0. 21 †¢ 0. 68. †¢ $12. 9) Ordering cost = $20 per order EOQ = 2(5,304)($20)/$1. 85 = 339 gaskets Turning to R, the Normal Distribution appendix shows that a 95 percent cycle-service level corresponds to a z = 1. 645. We then find Standard deviation in weekly demand (? t) = 2. 86 gaskets, where t = 1? Standard deviation in demand during lead time (? L) = 2. 86 R = Average demand during the lead time + Safety stock = 2(102) + 1. 64 5(4) = 210. 6, or 211 gaskets 2 =4 *This case was prepared by Dr. Rob Bregman, University of Houston, as a basis for classroom discussion. CN-108 Chapter 13: Parts Emporium b. Cost comparison After developing their plan, students can compare its annual cost with what would be experienced with current policies. Cost Category Current Plan Proposed Plan Ordering cost $707 $313 139 314 Holding cost (cycle inventory) TOTAL $846 $627 The total of these two costs for the gasket is reduced by 26 percent (from $846 to $627) per year. The safety stock with the proposed plan may be higher than the current plan, if the reason for the excess backorders is that no safety stock is now being held (inaccurate inventory records or a faulty replenishment system are other explanations). The extra cost of this safety stock is minimal, however. Only 4 gaskets are being held as safety stock, and their annual holding cost is just another $1. 85(4) = $7. 40. Surely the lost sales due to backorders is substantial with the current plan and will be much less with the proposed plan. One symptom of such losses is that 11 units are on backorder in week 21. A lost sale costs a minimum of $4. 16 per gasket (0. 32. †¢ $12. 99). If 10 percent of annual sales were lost with the current policy, this cost would be $4. 16(0. 10)(5304) = $2,206 per year. Such a loss would be much reduced with the 95 percent cycle-service level implemented with the proposed plan. 2. DB032 Drive Belt a. New plan The following demand estimates are based on weeks 13 through 21. Weeks 11 and 12 are excluded from the analysis because the new product's startup makes them unrepresentative. We find the EOQ as follows: Weekly demand average = 52 belts/week Annual demand (D) = 52(52) = 2704 belts Holding cost = $0. 97 per belt per year (or 0. 21. †¢ 0. 52. †¢ $8. 89) Ordering cost = $10 per order EOQ = 2(2, 704)($10) / $0. 97 = 236 gaskets Turning now to R, where z remains at 1. 45, we find: Standard deviation in weekly demand (? t) = 1. 76 belts, where t = 1 Standard deviation in demand during lead time (? L) = 1. 76 3 = 3 belts R = Average demand during the lead time + Safety stock = 3(52) + 1. 645(3) = 160. 9, or 161 belts b. Cost comparison After developing their plan, students again can compare the cost for the belts with what would be experience d with current policies. Cost Category Current Plan Proposed Plan Ordering cost $27 $115 485 114 Holding cost (cycle inventory) TOTAL $512 $229 With the belt, the total of these two costs is reduced by 55 percent. The safety stock with the proposed plan may be higher with the proposed system, as with the gaskets, but added cost for safety stock is only $0. 97(3) = $2. 91. Chapter 13: Parts Emporium CN-109 The big cost once again is the lost sales due to backorders with the current plan. A lost sale costs a minimum of $4. 27 per belt (0. 48 †¢ $8. 89). If 10 percent of annual sales were lost, the cost with the current policy would be $4. 27(0. 10)(2704) = $1,155. Such a loss would be much less with the 95 percent cycle-service level implemented with the proposed plan. D. Recommendations For the gasket, the recommendation is to implement a continuous review system with Q = 339 and R = 211. For the belt, the recommendation is to implement a continuous review system with Q = 236 and R = 161. E. Teaching Strategy This case can be used as a â€Å"cold-call† case or as a short case prepared in advance of the class meeting. If used without prior student preparation, it works best as a team assignment. Each team can have a different assignment (P or Q system, gasket or belt). When used as a cold-call case and time is a oncern, the instructor should provide the mean and standard deviation of the weekly demand for the two products. Begin with a general discussion of how to do the analysis, and then work through the analysis. If done with teams, give each time to follow through. After the teams develop their policies, have them make the cost comparison. It brings back the fundamental notions of cycle inventory and ordering costs that were introduced i n the Inventory Management chapter. The discussion at the end can broaden into other issues, such as applying the notion of inventory levers and the use of systems other than a Q system to control inventories. If time permits, the instructor can have the class hand-simulate their policies, using the actual demand data in the first 21 weeks of 1994 for the gaskets and the last 9 weeks of 1994 for the belts. Use a form to record the simulation, either as a handout or transparency. The starting conditions on backorders, scheduled receipts, and on-hand inventory can be what is mentioned in the case for week 21. Simulating the new system is similar to what is to be done in Advanced Problems 28-31 in the Inventory Management chapter. CN-110 Chapter 13: Parts Emporium

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Guy de Chauliac - Influential 14th-Century Physician

This profile of Guy de Chauliac is part ofWhos Who in Medieval History   Guy de Chauliac was also known as: Guido de Cauliaco or Guigo de Cauliaco  (in Italian); also spelled  Guy de Chaulhac Guy de Chauliac was known for: Being one of the most influential physicians of the Middle Ages. Guy de Chauliac wrote an important work on surgery that would serve as the standard text for more than 300 years.   Occupations: PhysicianClericWriter Places of Residence and Influence: FranceItaly Important Dates: Born:  c. 1300Died:  July 25, 1368 About Guy de Chauliac: Born to a family of limited means in Auvergne, France, Guy was bright enough to be recognized for his intellect and was sponsored in his academic pursuits by the lords of Mercoeur. He began his studies at Toulouse, then moved on to the much-respected University of Montpellier, where he received his magister in medicina (masters degree in medicine) under the tutelage of Raymond de Moleriis in a program that required six years of study. Some time later Guy moved on to the oldest university in Europe, the University of Bologna, which had already built a reputation for its medical school. At Bologna he appears to have perfected his understanding of anatomy, and he may have learned from some of the best surgeons of the day, though he never identified them in his writing as he did his medical professors. Upon leaving Bologna, Guy spent some time in Paris before moving on to Lyons. In addition to his medical studies, Guy took holy orders, and in Lyons he became a canon at St. Just. He spent about a decade at Lyons practicing medicine before moving to Avignon, where the popes were residing at that time. Some time after May, 1342, Guy was appointed by Pope Clement VI as his private physician. He would attend the pontiff during the horrific Black Death that came to France in 1348, and though a third of the cardinals at Avignon would perish from the disease, Clement survived. Guy would later use his experience of surviving the plague and attending its victims in his writings. Guy spent the rest of his days in Avignon. He stayed on as physician for Clements successors, Innocent VI and Urban V, earning an appointment as a papal clerk. He also became acquainted with Petrarch. Guys position in Avignon afforded him unparalleled access to an extensive library of medical texts that were available nowhere else. He also had access to the most current scholarship being conducted in Europe, which he would incorporate into his own work. Guy de Chauliac died in Avignon on July 25, 1368. The Chirurgia magna of Guy de Chauliac The works of Guy de Chauliac are considered among the most influential medical texts of the Middle Ages. His most significant book is Inventarium seu collectorium in parte cyrurgicali medicine, called by later editors Chirurgia magna and sometimes referred to simply as Chirurgia. Completed in 1363, this inventory of surgical medicine pulled together medical knowledge from about a hundred earlier scholars, including ancient and Arabic sources, and cites their works more than 3,500 times.   In Chirurgia, Guy included a brief history of surgery and medicine and provided a discourse on what he thought every surgeon should know about diet, surgical implements, and how an operation should be conducted. He also discussed and evaluated his contemporaries, and related much of his theory to his own personal observations and history, which is how we know most of what we do about his life.   The work itself is divided into seven treatises: anatomy, apostemes (swellings and abscesses), wounds, ulcers, fractures, other diseases and the complements to surgery (the use of drugs, bloodletting, therapeutic cauterization, etc.). All in all, it covers nearly every condition a surgeon might be called upon to deal with. Guy emphasized the importance of medical treatment, including diet, drugs, and the application of substances, reserving surgery as a last resort.   Chirurgia magna contains a description of a narcotic inhalation to use as a soporific for patients undergoing surgery. Guys observations of the plague included an elucidation of two different manifestations of the disease, making him the first to distinguish between pneumonic and bubonic forms. Although he has sometimes been criticized for advocating too much interference with the natural progression of the healing of wounds, Guy de Chauliacs work was otherwise groundbreaking and extraordinarily progressive for its time. The Influence of Guy de Chauliac on Surgery Throughout the Middle Ages, the disciplines of medicine and surgery had evolved almost independently of one another. Physicians were regarded as serving the general health of the patient, tending to his diet and the illnesses of his internal systems. Surgeons were considered to deal with external matters, from amputating a limb to cutting hair. In the early 13th century, surgical literature began to emerge, as surgeons sought to emulate their medical colleagues and raise their profession to one of comparable esteem. Guy de Chauliacs Chirurgia was the first book on surgery to bring to bear a substantial medical background. He vehemently advocated that surgery should be founded on an understanding of anatomy -- for, unfortunately, many surgeons of the past had known next to nothing of the particulars of the human body and had merely applied their skills to the ailment in question as they saw fit, a practice that had earned them a reputation as butchers. For Guy, an extensive understanding of how the human body worked was far more important for the surgeon than manual skill or experience. As surgeons were beginning to come to this conclusion, as well, Chirurgia magna began to serve as a standard text on the subject. More and more, surgeons studied medicine before applying their arts, and the disciplines of medicine and surgery began to merge. By 1500, Chirurgia magna had been translated from its original Latin into English, Dutch, French, Hebrew, Italian and Provenà §al. It was still regarded as an authoritative source on surgery as late as the seventeenth century.   More Guy de Chauliac Resources: Guy de Chauliac in Print The links below will take you to a site where you can compare prices at booksellers across the web. More in-depth info about the book may be found by clicking on to the books page at one of the online merchants. The visit merchant link  will take you to an online bookstore, where you can find more information about the book to help you get it from your local library. This is provided as a convenience to you; neither Melissa Snell nor About is responsible for any purchases you make through these links. The Major Surgery of Guy de Chauliactranslated by Leonard D. RosenmanInventarium Sive Chirurgia Magna: Text(Studies in Ancient Medicine , No 14, Vol 1) (Latin Edition)edited and with an introduction by Michael R. McVaughVisit merchant Guy de Chauliac on the Web Chauliac, Guy DeExtensive entry from the  Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography includes a useful bibliography. Made available at Encyclopedia.com. Medieval Health Medicine   Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society The text of this document is copyright  ©2014-2016 Melissa Snell. You may download or print this document for personal or school use, as long as the URL below is included. Permission is   not  granted to reproduce this document on another website. For publication permission,  please   contact  Melissa Snell.The URL for this document is:http://historymedren.about.com/od/gwho/fl/Guy-de-Chauliac.htm