Saturday, August 31, 2019

Seize the Opportunity

Have you ever seen the movie â€Å"YES MAN† with Jim Carrey. I believe most of you do, which is one of my favorite movie. in this movie, Jim Carrey goes to this motivational seminar which teaches that you have to say ‘Yes’ to everything in life, and this will open unimaginable doors. So, Jim Carrey starts to say ‘Yes’ to everything and he starts to have all these amazing experiences and learns so many different . He got a promotion for his job, he find a girlfriend, and of course it’s a happy ending. Movies always come from reality, but it beyond reality.I think blindly saying yes to everything is not such a good idea, it will open opportunities and also might put you in trouble, so It’s easy to see many plots in this movie are not gonna happen in our life, but it still give us an important idea, which is having a positive attitude to every opportunity can bring success to you. We couldn’t live like a yes man say yes to everything , but we can use the following skills to seize the opportunity, which are say â€Å"yes† more often, have a positive attitude , take more risk. First of all, it’s impossible to say â€Å"Yes† to everything, but you could almost certainly say â€Å"Yes† to more than you do.When your friends invite you to join them to do something they like, and that you’ve never tried, what would you say. Do you take the chance to try it, or do you just put them down because you are too busy to do something else . If the first time human being saw the fire, and not try to make a fire, I guess we wouldn’t exist in this planet today. We all have potential, and potential is possibility. the only way to increase possibility is to learn more knowledge , to see more things, and to make more choices. So, let’s try it. Say â€Å"Yes† to something you would normally turn down.Try different food, try different music, have a conversation with different typ e of people. If you are shy, take guy way’s public speaking class. If you are noisy, try to be quiet and learn something from other. The world is huge, we should open ourselves to more opportunities, instead of staying where we are. Second, Positive attitude is very important to be successful and happy. Have you ever looked at people who always seem happy and enjoy life and wish you could be more like them? We are living in the same world, for some people, life is suffering, because they are easily broken down by any little trouble.For other people, life is paradise, because they have a positive attitude to face trouble. They always believe they are stronger than who they are, and they have more possibility to defeat any problem. According to Dr Becca Levy, a Harvard University social psychologist who focuses her research on aging and attitudes, a positive attitude will let you live longer. Therefore, never give up your belief. Whenever you give up , you close the door to suc cess. Being curious and happy, and with humor. Those positive attitudes will finally help you to seize the opportunity.Last, opportunities won’t last forever, and people always regret. According to wiki, the definition of opportunity is :a chance for advancement or profit and A favorable occasion or time. So, it takes risk and also short lived. When you’re sitting on couch watching TV, how much risk you are taking, and how many opportunities come to you? When a man start a new business, he is not only taking risk, but also taking advantage of an opportunity. Also, when you have your target, just do it and don’t hesitate, cause chance won't wait for you forever.For many examples, men want to chase a girl they like, they always want to set up a perfect time and encounter. However, when they finally get to the right time, someone else has already got there. Opportunity are not prepared for you, it’s for everyone. If you don’t take risk, you will regre t forever. In conclusion, in this huge planet, anything is possible. In order to follow your dream, you should size every chance. Saying â€Å"yes† is way to open more possibility, having a positive attitude will keep things going smoothly, and taking risk will lead you to success directly. When you have done those, opportunity is right in your hand.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Organizational Diagnosis

Organizational Diagnosis Are companies at the competitive edge problem free? Do any organizations work flawlessly? Not in the real world. How do the winners overcome their problems? What distinguishes them from other companies? How do they survive while others flounder or fall? Like other organizations, winning companies often reach for easy-answers and quick fixes. But if these short-cut responses miss their mark, winners keep searching for solid solutions. They delve more deeply into the situation, ultimately uncovering the root cause. Top performers distinguish themselves by the way they tackle organizational problems by using organizational diagnosis to make positive changes for the future of their business (Long Term Success through Deep Organizational Diagnosis, 2007). Data collection: The purpose of a diagnosis is to identify problems facing the organization and to determine their causes so that management can plan solutions. The first step in diagnosing an organization is to determine what/where the problem is by using data collection. It is very important to acknowledge that there is a problem and it needs solving more on a long term basis in order to keep the future of the organization prospering. The collection of data should begin in areas in which management believes the problems exist. After the data is collected, leaders can more easily identify where the issues lie and begin to resolve them (Beer and Spector, 1993). Data collection can be done by doing a systematic analysis where McKinsey’s 7-S framework can be applied. The change agent at this point strategically analyzes and formulates diagnosis questions. The elements of the strategy are as follows with examples of typical questions that decision makers will need to answer in their quest for change (Business Diagnostic Questions – â€Å"Seven S† Model Framework, 2007). Strategy: the plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage over the competition. †¢What are the main strategies in moving this organization to being more successful? †¢What are the key short-term goals to achieve these strategies? Structure: the way the organization is structured and who reports to whom. †¢Describe the roles of the main departments. What kinds of role/turf issues occur between departments? †¢What kinds of communications issues occur between departments? †¢What key things are done in the organization to help integrate various functions and departments that are interdependent? †¢How does the structure help/hinder this organization in accomplishing its strategy? What is being done about this now? Syst ems: the daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in to get the job done. †¢What are the 5 most important system problems that if solved or improved would significantly improve profitability or organizational effectiveness? Why? What are you doing about these issues now? Style: the style of leadership adopted. †¢How are important decisions made in this organization? †¢How does top management communicate with key staff? How does it communicate with the labor force? †¢What are the key expectations for how your key people and labor force should behave? †¢How would you describe the organization's style of management? How would others differ in their assessment of that style? Skills: the actual skills and competencies of the employees working for the company. †¢What key knowledge and skills are needed to succeed in this business/organization? Why? How is that expected to change over time? †¢How would you assess the organization's curren t strengths and weaknesses against the needed knowledge and skills? †¢What challenges does the organization face in strengthening or maintaining this match between knowledge and skills needed now and in the future? †¢What is the organization doing about these issues now? Staff: the employees and their general capabilities †¢Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the organization's key people. †¢Describe their most important roles in the organization. †¢Who of these are most important to the success of the business/organization? Why? †¢What are you most concerned about regarding the quality of the key staff? Why? †¢Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the organization's labor force. †¢What are you most concerned about regarding the quality of the organization's labor force? †¢What is being done about this now? Shared Values: called â€Å"superordinate goals† when the model was first developed, these are the core values of the company that are evidenced in the corporate culture and the general work ethic. †¢If the business/organization were operating almost perfectly, describe the key things that would be happening? If I were invisible and walked through the organization, what would I see that contributed to this success? †¢If I were invisible and could sit in on a number of conversations between the top 10 people and their staff, what themes would I hear? †¢If this organization were wildly successful, where would it be in 10 years? †¢If you were thinking of selling this successful business/organization, how would you want to be able to describe it to prospective buyers? †¢How would you describe the mission of this company to your prospective buyers Organization’s readiness for change: Once management admits that there are problems that need to be resolved, and then comes the question of whether the organization is ready to change. Organizational readiness is a state of preparedness which includes the psychological and behavioral aspects for change. This requires having the necessary knowledge, skills, resources, and support. An organization’s readiness for change will determine its ability to attend to environmental signals for change as well as its willingness to listen to internal voices saying that change is needed (Cawsey, Deszca p. 101). It is important for senior management to address the likelihood of change and communicate it effectively with the rest of the organization. Employees are more apt to support change if they are ready to make changes. This means they believe in the changes, have the time and energy to invest in the changes, and the organization is ready to support the changes. More important, the greater the complexity of the implementation task, the great the importance or organizational readiness for change. Creating awareness for change: Change leaders can create awareness of the need for change in several ways. The first method involves making the organization aware that it is in or near a crisis or creating a crisis that needs to be solved (Cawsey, Deszca p. 104). Most people will welcome the change more easily if they know that their future is in jeopardy if they don’t accept the change. A second approach to enhancing the need for change is by identifying a transformational vision. Transformational visions tap into our needs to go beyond ourselves, to make a contribution, to do something worthwhile and meaningful, and to serve a greater good (Cawsey, Deszca p. 105). This type of awareness mechanism has the potential to gain positive feedback and negative feedback. People who support it are those individuals who are interested in making things better than they are. The people who oppose it simply don’t find it realistic and believe the change agent is proposing the change for their own benefit. A third approach to the enhancement of the need for change is through transformational leadership. This type of change makes the most sense to people because it is the leaders of the organization who makes all the decisions. If something is not going well, the leaders are the first to blame. It is important to note that when using any of the three approaches, the change agent needs to be well prepared when entering any type of discussion dialogue about the change. The people in the organization need to trust the change agent and believe in the proposed change therefore, the change agent should have all the right skills to get their point across to the people involved. Vision for change: When the organization is ready to make a change, it is very important for the change agent to provide a clear and detailed vision of the change. Vision is about action. Vision can empower both leaders and followers to implement change (Vision and the Management of Change, 2008). Change leaders use change visions to create and advance the mental picture they have of the future and to provide directional guidance for others that they need to enlist in the enterprise (Cawsey, Deszca p. 110). Vision can provide both a corporate sense of being and a sense of enduring purpose. Without a sensible vision, change efforts can dissolve into a list of confusing projects that take the organization in the wrong direction. It is important that the vision be easy to communicate. Once an effective change vision is in place, the change agent can begin to expand discussions to a broader audience or organizational members, paying careful attention to their reactions, suggestions, and alternatives (Vision and the Management of Change, 2008). It is also vital for the change agent to be aware that some people in the organization will understand the vision and want to help transform the organization, but they can’t. The change agent must remove blocks to change, call for new behaviors consistent with the vision, and most importantly, visibly reward the new behaviors (Vision and the Management of Change, 2008). Approval for change: Once the vision for change is in place, the change agent needs to find the best way of winning the approval for the change project. When outlining all the elements of the change project, the change agent needs to pay careful attention to managing scope. Allowing the project’s scope to change mid-course usually means added costs, greater risks and longer duration. Many projects fail due to poor scope management (Scope and Change Control, 2005). A successful change agent understands that rigorous scope control is essential to deliver projects on time and on budget. The scope of the project should be clearly defined both in terms of its deliverables and in terms of how it will operate. This scope definition will form the baseline against which potential changes are assessed and against which the project’s performance is measured. In the definition, the change agent should also include factors that could lead to scope change. If possible risks exist; they should be identified in the definition because this will make the decision-makers more likely to allow changes if it became necessary and it will save costs in the long run (Scope and Change Control, 2005). Feedback: The final step for the change agent is to be open to continuous feedback. Change does not come easily to everyone in the organization. The change agent needs to be aware of all the criticism and concerns of the people involved in the change in order to keep people motivated and keep the business running in a positive matter. Employee involvement is a necessary and integral part of managing change. Managing change is not a one way street. Feedback from employees is a key element of the change management process. Analysis and corrective action based on this feedback provides a robust cycle for implementing change (Change Management, 2006). Feedback also allows the change agent to stand back from the entire program, evaluate successes and failures, and identify process changes for the next project. Conclusion: An organizational diagnosis can be a valuable and revealing process, if properly approached, and if an organization is willing to take full advantage of it. Ultimately, what you’re trying to accomplish with an organizational diagnosis is a performance check on each of all the moving pieces (Grossman, 2009). During this check, for instance, you will want to examine those pieces that serve to help create the culture of the business and help drive things forward. Therefore, the key thing with organizational diagnosis is to help utilize a change effort that will benefit the health of the company as a whole and help it maintain its competitive advantage. The overall goal of an organizational diagnosis is to apply what should be happening within the organization, so that the effect is improved business performance overall. References: Beer, M. & Spector, B. (1993, July/August). Organizational diagnosis: its role in organizational learning. Journal of Counseling and Development. 71(6) 642-650. Retrieved from the City University Student Website. Cawsey, T. , & Deszca, G. (2007). Toolkit for organizational change. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Grossman, David. (2009). The Genesis of an Organizational Diagnosis: It’s All about Improving Performance. Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from: http://www. hrtools. com/insights/david_grossman/the_genesis_of_an_organizational_diagnosis_its_all_about_imp roving_performance. aspx Business Diagnostic Questions. (2007). Seven S Model Framwork. Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from: http://www. change-management. net/7smodel. htm Change management – The systems and tools for managing change. 2006). Retrieved on February 20,2010 from: http://www. change-management. com/tutorial-change-process-detailed. htm Long Term Success through Deep Organizational Diagnosis (2007). Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from: http://www. hrconsultant. com/aw/aw_ter_long_term_success. html#top Scope & Change Control (2005). Retrieved on February 18, 2010 from: http://www. epmbook. com/scope. h tm Vision and the Management of Change. (2008). Retrieved on February 18, 2010 from: http://www. au. af. mil/au/awc/awcgate/ndu/strat-ldr-dm/pt4ch19. html Organizational Diagnosis Organizational diagnosis is the process of analyzing a company, recognizing what problems the company may have, what strengths the company exhibits, the employees receptiveness to change and how to restructure and implement change to correct any problems. This is done to keep the company from losing money, possibly going under and also to keep the company competitive in a highly competitive marketplace. The process of an organizational diagnosis is generally performed in a few stages. First, the parent company employees a group of external consultants and researchers to visit the company.The researchers will usually begin their work with a reconnaissance stage. The consultants will spend some time at the organization getting to know the workers and gaining an initial impression of the company and how it operates. This is done by simply spending time talking with employees, observing day to day behavior and speaking with management. Following the initial research, the consultants will meet with the organizational clients to develop a written plan of expectations and goals that the organization is wishing to achieve.Generally, companies will hire the consulting firms because they have a problem or series of problems that they need to correct and are unsure of the best way to implement the change successfully. Consultants are a group of skilled workers that are highly educated in management, human psychology, sociology and organizational behavior. Sometimes it is best to hire a non- biased group of consultants that can observe the company from an external perspective in order to find the best course of action to resolve the problems at hand.Once the client and consultants have agreed upon a plan of action, the consultants will begin a more in-depth research stage. During this time, consultants will meet with important members of the organization to examine their feelings on change and their perspectives on the consulting project, as well as the proposed change. Co nsultants may also unobtrusively observe day-to-day tasks among workers and evaluate their communication skills, as well as their interactions.This will help the researchers develop an understanding of the companies interpersonal and power relations. The conducting of surveys and questionnaires is also a means of gathering information from workers on their stances and viewpoints of the corporation and their thoughts on purposing a change. Researchers will begin a thorough examination of important documents pertaining to the company. These documents can help researchers analyze the organizations strengths and weaknesses, as well as goals and company history.During the examination and researching process, consultants will quickly learn how important members of the organization are willing to accept and enforce a change. If members of the organization are unwilling to enforce and follow through with change, the consultants will need to restructure their goals and means of achieving the se. This prevents setting goals that are unattainable. If an organization is going to resist change, there is no need to spend the time to develop a plan to correct problems.This realization of the companies inability to accept and implement change will result in a separate set of issues that will need to be corrected. Generally, these types of resistance to change are going to be resolved by a change in personnel and the working staff. This process is designed to prevent setting a plan of attack that will fail, causing the organization to become frustrated when the change is not working, thus setting them further into a hole that they need to dig their way out of.Once the consultants have spent an adequate amount of time learning about the company and brainstorming ways to successfully implement change, they will develop specific methods of change implementation designed specifically for this particular organization’s culture. These can include specialized training programs, team building projects, job task re-designation, supervisory structure change, changing reward systems and goal achievement programs; just to name a few.Upon meeting with the company to present their final planned list of changes, as well as the implementation plans, the consultants will observe the company for a few weeks as they begin the process of correcting their issues. The consultants will be on hand to answer any questions that the company may have, as well as assist in solving any problems or roadblocks that the clients may run into. During this time, the researchers are basically a technical support hotline for the customer. They will be on site to help in any way possible.After a short trial period of change implementation, the customer and the consultants will form a meeting to analyze the effectiveness of the changes that are being carried out. This is a time that is used to fine-tune any processes or bring new ideas to the table to further improve on the companies ref ormation campaign. Following a predetermined length of time, as well as confidentiality in the companies ability to further carry out the scope of the change campaign, the consultants will vacate the premises. The consultants are available to call and discuss problems and/or ideas to continually improve upon the preconceived plan.In the months and years following the campaign, the company will further evaluate the effectiveness of the changes that were put in place. The company will either decide that the change process was a success, or they will decide that it needs further work. At this time, it may be in the companies best interest to hire a different consultation firm in order to correct the companies problems. It may be possible that the company will come to realize that there are other problems at play in the corporation that need to be analyzed and corrected.All of the sources that I have examined and researched, tend to follow the same ideals when it comes to organizational diagnosis and cultural evaluation. A few sources will change the names of the stages, but in effect, they are the exact same processes. Organizational diagnosis is a lot like troubleshooting a problem with any mechanical system. One must recognize the problem, find the source/s of the problem and develop a plan to correct or repair the problem. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with people, instead of mechanical objects, there are a lot more variables as well as unforeseeable pitfalls.In order to combat the instability of a dynamic corporation, executives, managers and even hourly employees must remain dynamic and receptive to a continually changing atmosphere. A company that tends to stay closed-minded and unreceptive to improvement is generally a short-lived company that will quickly be outdone by a continually changing marketplace. The global marketplace is a highly dynamic and competitive arena. In order for one to stay on top, you must be willing to continually one-up your c ompetitors. Organizational Diagnosis Organizational diagnosis is the process of analyzing a company, recognizing what problems the company may have, what strengths the company exhibits, the employees receptiveness to change and how to restructure and implement change to correct any problems. This is done to keep the company from losing money, possibly going under and also to keep the company competitive in a highly competitive marketplace. The process of an organizational diagnosis is generally performed in a few stages. First, the parent company employees a group of external consultants and researchers to visit the company.The researchers will usually begin their work with a reconnaissance stage. The consultants will spend some time at the organization getting to know the workers and gaining an initial impression of the company and how it operates. This is done by simply spending time talking with employees, observing day to day behavior and speaking with management. Following the initial research, the consultants will meet with the organizational clients to develop a written plan of expectations and goals that the organization is wishing to achieve.Generally, companies will hire the consulting firms because they have a problem or series of problems that they need to correct and are unsure of the best way to implement the change successfully. Consultants are a group of skilled workers that are highly educated in management, human psychology, sociology and organizational behavior. Sometimes it is best to hire a non- biased group of consultants that can observe the company from an external perspective in order to find the best course of action to resolve the problems at hand.Once the client and consultants have agreed upon a plan of action, the consultants will begin a more in-depth research stage. During this time, consultants will meet with important members of the organization to examine their feelings on change and their perspectives on the consulting project, as well as the proposed change. Co nsultants may also unobtrusively observe day-to-day tasks among workers and evaluate their communication skills, as well as their interactions.This will help the researchers develop an understanding of the companies interpersonal and power relations. The conducting of surveys and questionnaires is also a means of gathering information from workers on their stances and viewpoints of the corporation and their thoughts on purposing a change. Researchers will begin a thorough examination of important documents pertaining to the company. These documents can help researchers analyze the organizations strengths and weaknesses, as well as goals and company history.During the examination and researching process, consultants will quickly learn how important members of the organization are willing to accept and enforce a change. If members of the organization are unwilling to enforce and follow through with change, the consultants will need to restructure their goals and means of achieving the se. This prevents setting goals that are unattainable. If an organization is going to resist change, there is no need to spend the time to develop a plan to correct problems.This realization of the companies inability to accept and implement change will result in a separate set of issues that will need to be corrected. Generally, these types of resistance to change are going to be resolved by a change in personnel and the working staff. This process is designed to prevent setting a plan of attack that will fail, causing the organization to become frustrated when the change is not working, thus setting them further into a hole that they need to dig their way out of.Once the consultants have spent an adequate amount of time learning about the company and brainstorming ways to successfully implement change, they will develop specific methods of change implementation designed specifically for this particular organization’s culture. These can include specialized training programs, team building projects, job task re-designation, supervisory structure change, changing reward systems and goal achievement programs; just to name a few.Upon meeting with the company to present their final planned list of changes, as well as the implementation plans, the consultants will observe the company for a few weeks as they begin the process of correcting their issues. The consultants will be on hand to answer any questions that the company may have, as well as assist in solving any problems or roadblocks that the clients may run into. During this time, the researchers are basically a technical support hotline for the customer. They will be on site to help in any way possible.After a short trial period of change implementation, the customer and the consultants will form a meeting to analyze the effectiveness of the changes that are being carried out. This is a time that is used to fine-tune any processes or bring new ideas to the table to further improve on the companies ref ormation campaign. Following a predetermined length of time, as well as confidentiality in the companies ability to further carry out the scope of the change campaign, the consultants will vacate the premises. The consultants are available to call and discuss problems and/or ideas to continually improve upon the preconceived plan.In the months and years following the campaign, the company will further evaluate the effectiveness of the changes that were put in place. The company will either decide that the change process was a success, or they will decide that it needs further work. At this time, it may be in the companies best interest to hire a different consultation firm in order to correct the companies problems. It may be possible that the company will come to realize that there are other problems at play in the corporation that need to be analyzed and corrected.All of the sources that I have examined and researched, tend to follow the same ideals when it comes to organizational diagnosis and cultural evaluation. A few sources will change the names of the stages, but in effect, they are the exact same processes. Organizational diagnosis is a lot like troubleshooting a problem with any mechanical system. One must recognize the problem, find the source/s of the problem and develop a plan to correct or repair the problem. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with people, instead of mechanical objects, there are a lot more variables as well as unforeseeable pitfalls.In order to combat the instability of a dynamic corporation, executives, managers and even hourly employees must remain dynamic and receptive to a continually changing atmosphere. A company that tends to stay closed-minded and unreceptive to improvement is generally a short-lived company that will quickly be outdone by a continually changing marketplace. The global marketplace is a highly dynamic and competitive arena. In order for one to stay on top, you must be willing to continually one-up your c ompetitors.

Golden Valley Foods, Inc. Essay

In this case, that Neal Middleton is trying to decide why Golden Valley Foods, inc., isn’t as profitable as it once was. I would suggest to Neil Middleton to do a big change in the company’s policy, and do market segmentation. Golden Valley Foods has a line-forcing policy, requiring any store that wants to carry its brand name to carry most of 65 items in the Golden Valley Foods line. This policy, resulted in a decreasing in its sales. Unfortunately, smaller stores are not generally to accept the Golden Valley Foods policy. Then most of their sales come from major supermarket chain store such as Safeway, Kroger, and A$P. According to the last president of the company said â€Å"The influence of our old parent company is still with us. As long as new products look like they will increase the company’s sales volume, they are introduced. traditionally, there has been little, if any, attention paid to margins. we are well aware that profits will come through good products produced in large volume.† I think that, by reducing the large amount of items in the policy Golden Valley Foods could increase its sales; marketing is the process of discovering and translating consumer needs and wants into product and service specifications, creating demand for these products and services and then, in turn, expanding the demand. Goods and services do not move automatically from the makers to the users. A marketing segment is a meaningful buyer group having similar wants. Market segmentation is the process of grouping buyers into different categories having common desires or needs. Thus, segmentation is a consumer oriented marketing strategy.; that could increase the sales as well.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Health care reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Health care reform - Essay Example Therefore, physicians must be able to decide who to see first and the duration they will spend with each patient. Concisely, rationing must embrace efficiency where decisions are made so as to produce the good outcomes. In addition, all individuals must be treated equally but the worst off must be favored. Patients who are in critical conditions should be considered for treatment first, and those who are less ill should come later after the critical ones have been attended to (Hoffman, 2008). Doctors need to assist individuals without discrimination. The action of rationing in health care conforms to my professional and person ethics this is because it does not conflict with any ethical codes (White, 2010). Its main aim is to promote and protect the health of the public through reasonable decisions that will ensure every individual is treated depending on his or her condition. For instance, a doctor can decide to handle a particular case over another one since it is urgent and may lead to death if not handled quickly. This is not against any ethical code, but it is part of maintaining a healthy nation and reducing the mortality rates (Fuchs & Emanuel,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Statement Example Then my destiny played its part. The news that Hawaii School of Pharmacy was not approved for accreditation by ACPE shocked me and soon the school was ordered to down the shutters. I returned home, finding it extremely difficult to absorb this shock. I felt as if someone has cut and threw the growing sapling of my career. But soon I overcame my depression and decided to make a fight out of it. I was determined to be a pharmacist come what may! My sister’s ideal was always a source of encouragement to me. She was a pharmacist at the famous teaching hospital in Los Angeles and I was fascinated about career as a pharmacist. I list out some points in support of my decision to shape as a pharmacist. I have the natural instinct to learn about life sciences and the greatest joy in this career is the practical application of the theories that I have learnt and helping the sick patients gives me great satisfaction. A career in pharmacy involves lots of interaction with other health care professionals and I can learn something new. Interaction with the patients goes to improve my practical knowledge about sickness and the remedial measures. Involvement in the healthcare needs of the sick and the poor people is the ultimate goal of my life. Devotion to the people, I consider, is devotion to the Supreme Self. To help the sick is the greatest act of merit according to me. A series of positive developments began to take shape in my life. In 2005, I attended classes at community centers and toiled hard to get good grades. I resumed work on honorary basis as a pharmacy assistant at Kindred Hospital. I gained valuable experience as for paperwork, assisting and organizing patients’ files, observed how pharmacists interact with doctors, nurses and technicians and mastered what professionalism is all about. In the summer of 2006, I passed the Pharmacy Technician Certificate Board (PTCB) exam and then worked as a pharmacy

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An analysis of 3 turning points in history from 8000 B.C.E up to 1500 Essay

An analysis of 3 turning points in history from 8000 B.C.E up to 1500 - Essay Example From an academic point of view, analyzing the history of societies, cultures, disputes, inventions and technological advances allow us to understand the methods through which primitive nations overcame their limitations and attempt extract useful information from the patterns of change that have been there in the previous millenniums. In comparison to the world that we live in today, these patterns of change were much less disruptive and slow paced before the last few centuries. Change, when it came, was gradual and took several generations to be implemented with visible effects. The life of one generation would be nearly identical to those of their fore fathers and the lifestyle continuing on the same patterns; utilizing the same resources. Consequently, even with the restricted sources of information scholars have about the people that existed in the time before the AD years it is possible to identify and categorize those points when the human population went through a drastic tran sformation. In a positive sense, these events could symbolize a discovery, a way of travel, communication or livelihood- anything which made life easier for the groups and allowed them to increase their populations. The opposite would be any happenings which damaged their ability to survive or removed the effects any previous developments. It is easy to understand why the positive disruptions are the ones highlighted and researched more extensively. The introductory period in the studies of world history is known as the â€Å"foundations†. this period ranges from 8000 BC to 600 BC and is so named because of it was the beginning era for the all future trends and discoveries which have shaped human civilizations to eventually transform it into the modern world we recognize. This was the time of emergence of major Early "River Valley" Civilizations (about 3500 B.C.E. - about 1200 B.C.E.) and Classical Civilizations (about 1000 B.C.E. - 600 C.E.) which were the first formally des igned societies1. Though there is still some argument between academics about the exact dates of this era, the marker events have been recognized by all and it is accepted that many of these may not have occurred at a specified date but would have happened during a certain period with discoveries being made simultaneously in different regions and different populations. The major transforming events could not remain restricted to any one group or area; they had to be and spread and adopted on a global scale in order to have a true long lasting impact on the human species and their life style. In some cases sharing of knowledge between different groups enhanced the cumulative knowledge base as a greater number of minds could then work on producing new solutions to the existing problems and improving the ones that existed. As such we will be discussing the three major turning points of the period ranging from 8000 BC to 1500 BC from the view point that these were continuous processes a nd the contributions and scale of impact from these differed for different geographical areas. 1. The Agriculture Revolution: Man cannot live without food; as any other species it lives where food can be gained easily and follows where its prey goes. However, humans had many advantages over their animal companions including bipedalism, highly defined motor skills, and most importantly greater mental capacity that allowed them to use

Monday, August 26, 2019

Management of the End-Stage Kidney Disease Essay - 21

Management of the End-Stage Kidney Disease - Essay Example This article shall address the proper management of a patient suffering from ESKD, focusing from the time of admission to discharge (Dalrymple et al. 2011). Nursing need assessment tool is one of the tools that shall be employed to develop the patient profile and assist in the plan for her management. This tool is very essential in addressing the needs of an older patient who require long-term care due to a chronic condition. The tool addresses the patient holistically and embraces professional decision-making. In addition, the tool makes the assessment in a staged approach by deviating from the conventional narrative approach to a focused assessment approach. Another tool that shall be employed is the nursing care plan, which shall help in addressing the patient problem and plan the management accordingly. The key health problems for CherylWarra Allen are the renal failure, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. These health problems are prioritised in that order because of their impact on the health status of the patient. Kidney failure has got a fatal result if not urgently managed this is because it leads to accumulation of several toxic wastes as well as fluid in the body. Accumulation of nitrogenous waste and urea in the blood leads to uraemia, which is a fatal cause of confusion and coma in patients with kidney failure. In addition, the state of the patient confusion makes it difficult to treat the patient since the patient shall not cooperate during the treatment process. The patient may remove the gas mask or other intravenous medication that she is being given. Renal failure leads to accumulation of fluid in the body, which is as a result of inadequate excretion of fluid by the kidney. Accumulation of fluid in the body leads to adverse effect such as difficulty in breathing. When fluid accumulates on around the lungs and adnexa tissues, the lungs and the diaphragm may get compressed leading to shallow breathing and ultimately lead to exertion. Excess accumulation within the pleural cavity leads to excess difficulty in breathing and the patient shall require a gas mask or other assisted breathers otherwise the patient can die within a short time due to shortness of breath.  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Wind Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Wind Energy - Essay Example This paper stresses that wind energy is extracted from wind. Extraction of this form of energy involves the use of turbines to generate electric power for both domestic uses. The history of this form of energy dates back to over 2000 years ago when wind-powered machines were used to pump water. Prof James Blyth was the brainchild of this new development. He built a ten-meter high wind turbine that he used to charge accumulators that provided power for lighting system in the cottage. In this respect, the cottage made history as the first house that utilized energy to provide electricity. This report makes a conclsuion that wind energy plays a pivotal role in sustainable development. It poses minimal threat environmental sustainability since it provides a clean source of energy. It has reduced unemployment levels by creating thousands of opportunities for farmers, ranchers and providing high-paying jobs in various fields. These fields include the turbine manufacturing plants, maintenance and operation of turbines, construction of turbines as well as their installation, transportations and logistics, legal services and maintenance. The wind energy system generates huge amount of money in the economy of a nation. For example, it generated $10billion in the economy of the United States. Due to inexhaustible nature, this energy source is plenty and reliable for use in homes and industries. Due to its benefits, many people have embraced it. It offers a suitable alternative that can be harnessed to replace exhaustible sources such as oil and coal.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analysis of the Media Industry In India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Analysis of the Media Industry In India - Essay Example The media industry is a strong and well-developed industry which is currently growing at a high rate; this aspect gives the industry a lot of strength. With the increase in the level of education and media industry has a well educated and skilled workforce with innovative ideas and technology which is an added positive aspect of the industry. The competitiveness of the media industry has enabled the industry to grow technically both vertically and horizontally, which is another positive aspect of the industry. India also offers strategic location and market in terms of its high population which is a boost to the industry. Among the weakness in the industry, a current weakness may be the inability to adhere to ethical standards in the industry which has lead to lawsuits filed against some media industries. The industry also has been slow in its growth only picking up in the recent past, thus its innovation and marketing strategies may be not competitive in the global arena. According to the industry experts, the industry still has room to expand within India as the market is wide. Media services are being sought by many organizations and thus this offers the industry to increase its market share. The high technological innovation which is happening every day also presents a good opportunity for the media industry to utilize the latest technology in expanding its product mix or improving existing ones hence reaching or increasing its market. There is exists new business in the global market for the industry. (Bird, 2003) Threats Though India can be said to be stable political, the country his known for frequent changes in government administration and instability in some regions or states, this issue negatively affects the media and it is a threat to the media. Also, government legislation in India is known to some extent as hindering the growth of the industry, especially for foreign companies. Also, the current threat posed by piracy, which persists to deter in vestments in all media sectors has continued to threaten the industry growth. (Bird, 2003) PESTEL analysis of the media Industry in India PESTLE stands for political, economic, social/cultural, technological, legal, environmental. A description of developments (known) and rising issues (unknown) which may impact on an industry/sector, Political Over the past year the media industry has continued to witness increased political interest increase because of the recognition of the media industry economic importance to the overall economic growth of the country.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

The impact of the removal of DRA on the management of Human Resources Dissertation

The impact of the removal of DRA on the management of Human Resources in Organisations - Dissertation Example Presentation and description of data shall be done by complying results from core aspects of the questionnaire. The results shall be presented quantitatively by the use of tables and charts to organize data collected. After this, the researcher shall draw on the flow of information received in the data analysis to build three major themes in relation to the research problem. Finally, the researcher shall discuss and interpret data by grouping the data presented into three to correspond to the themes. The discussion and interpretation shall be done qualitatively by drawing subjective conclusions based on concerns and theories raised by various authors and researchers in the literature review. 4.1 PRESENTATION AND DESCRIPTION OF DATA Based on the purpose of the study and research questions raised by the researcher, responses on six key questions from the questionnaire have been presented and described in this section. Answers to these questions are useful in find out factors that have accounted for the scraping of the DRA, the merits and de-merits that are likely to be associated with the scraping of the DRA, and measures that are needed to be put in place to ensure that the policy of scraping the DRA useful. 4.1.1 What is your level of preference for being served by older people aged 55-65 in organisations? The researcher sought to know how well respondents preferred the serviced of older people aged 55-65 in organisations. This question was to draw an inference on the usefulness of older people in organisations and find out their contribution to the development and daily running of various organisations. The table below presents respondents’ level of preference for being served by older people Table 4.1 Preference for being served by Older People Preference Level Number of Respondents Percentage Very much preferred 3 15 Preferred 2 10 Not preferred 9 45 Not preferred at all 6 30 Total 20 100 From table 4.1, it can be seen that out of the twenty (20) resp ondents, 15% of them had a high level of preference for being served by older people. 10% of respondents preferred to be served by older people but did not esteem that so much. 45% of respondents did not prefer being served by older people whereas 30% did wished they were never served by older people. The respondents who were aged between 18 and 70 said their preferences were informed by factors as such as working experience, worker ethics and approachability. 4.1.2 Do you support the scraping of DRA? This component of the questionnaire was a build up to the question asked in 4.1.1. In simple terms, the researcher wanted to find out from respondents whether or not they supported the policy of scraping the DRA to enable people to work in organisations till they themselves felt the need to drop. Out of the twenty (20) people who responded to the questionnaire, thirteen (13) of them answered ‘No’ to the question whether or not the DRA should be scrapped. This means thirtee n (13) respondents wanted employees to retire at age 65. Seven (7) respondents answered ‘Yes’ meaning they wanted employees to work after age 65. Proportionally, If 20 respondents represent 360Â °, 13 respondents = 7 x 360 20 = 234Â ° representing ‘No’ On the other hand If 20 respondents

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marketing communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Marketing communications - Essay Example Furthermore, the report discovered that in 2011, most teens preferred the Blackberry gadget but a majority of adults used and preferred Apple’s products. Amazingly, the same teens who said their preferences lied in the Blackberry had problem being separated from Apple’s products. This is one of the problems the report analyses and intends to address. It will be reported that it is factual in stating that the Blackberry that the aforementioned group loved; on the contrary, there lacked provision of information and promotion of Apple’s product thus making this report a necessity. With the tremendous invention of the Smartphones and the subsequent tight competition, companies dealing with these gadgets are encountering a myriad of challenges. Mostly, the challenges are arising from the strategies with some competitors choosing and applying various tactics in trying to remain afloat in the market. This report was requested by a successful company, - Apple Inc. to be precise- with an aim to provide solutions concerning the Integrated marketing communications strategies. Contained herein are statistics on the usage of Smartphones in some countries as other strategies that Apple Inc. could employ in order to meet its goals. The findings of the UK’s smartphones market have been a result of extensive research conducted and gained from some of the most reliable sites. Integrated marketing communication (IMC) has been defined in various ways but in all these variations, all agree that it involves the strategies developed in ensuring a product is sold in markets. Normally, a company will create these with a sole aim of ensuring that products sales have been boosted and various methods may be used. Some of these methods include public relations, advertising, promotions and in with the current invention, the social media. Different individual son the effectiveness of these strategies

The Chemistry of Hair Coloring Essay Example for Free

The Chemistry of Hair Coloring Essay The first thing that comes to mind when people see hair color is â€Å"beauty. † But, what most do not realize is that chemistry plays a major role in many everyday products. What makes the colors so pretty and attractive? How can hair color effect synthetic hair? The question I want to answer is â€Å"what are the effects of hair color on synthetic hair? † I chose this topic because I wanted to learn how to color hair and apply it to chemistry. Hair coloring is a form of organic and inorganic chemistry. Organic chemistry involves carbon, whereas inorganic chemistry does not. Hair color is (or can be) a permanent chemical that is used to put a specific color in hair for vanity, or any other cause. There are various types of hair color such as: permanent, semi- permanent, rinses, and bleaches. Schuller is also known as the founder of L’Oreal, the world’s leading country in cosmetics and beauty. But, even before then, people have been coloring their hair for centuries. Many things that were used as medium were plants and minerals that have contained henna (temporary), and black walnut shells. Also, many of these techniques are used in modern-day salons. Such techniques include adding foil in the hair for a better outcome. My hypothesis is that if I apply hair color to two kinds of synthetic hair (Milky Way: Shake n’ Go, Sample A and Express Lock Sleek, Sample B), then there will be a better outcome on Sample B. I believe that my hypothesis is correct because Sample A is a less expensive brand. The brand matters because the more expensive the hair, the better the quality. So, what is synthetic hair? Synthetic hair is material that appears to be hair, but is actually made of non-human fibers such as Kanekalon, which is man-made hair, and Mono-fiber. Synthetic hair is commonly called â€Å"weave. † The fibers are flammable and can spark a fire in no less than ten seconds if exposed to an open flame. Before I started my experiment, I gathered my materials. The materials needed for this experiment were: I used two types of hair color, Bigen (Blue Black) and Bigen(Light Chestnut) (box containing: the dye powder), gloves, mixing bowl, water, basting brush, and a comb. I used two types of synthetic hair, Milky Way Shake n’ Go (Sample A) and Milky Way SAGA (Sample B). But, since I am not coloring an actual person’s hair I don’t need shampoo, conditioner, tipping cap, or a comb. When I started the experiment, first, I pulled back my hair and took off any loose accessories. Next, I put on gloves and a smock to protect my skin from chemicals. After I was covered completely, I started the experiment. First, I poured the dye powder into a plate since I did not have a mixing bowl. Next, I got a half of a cup of water and mixed it with the powder. After the solution was evenly mixed, I let it sit for about one minute. I cut the samples in half to have data on my board. When the samples were cut in half, I took the basting brush and covered the samples with color. When the color was on the hair, I had to let them sit for thirty minutes. When the thirty minutes passed, I rinsed the hair twice each and set them in sandwich bags labeled: A and B. When the experiment was over, I cleaned all of the tools I used and my area off. When going back over what I did in my experiments I recorded my observations. In the experiment, when I was mixing the hair color, as I mixed the solution got thicker and thicker. The hair that I used was very thin and soft. What are the effects of hair color on synthetic hair? My hypothesis was that if I apply hair color to two kinds of synthetic hair, then there will be a better outcome on Sample B. I thought that my hypothesis was right because Sample A is a less expensive type of hair. My hypothesis was rejected because although Sample A was less expensive, it was thicker and could take in more color that Sample B. My results did not support my hypothesis. In the experiment, I learned that coloring hair is strongly related to chemistry. It is related to chemistry because it requires mixing chemicals and creating new solutions.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Factors Affecting Menu Planning

Factors Affecting Menu Planning Research Report, describing the factors influencing menu planning and menu product development process Introduction In the recent years the food industry has created a boom in the market and has struck the economic status of the world market. The cuisine development and number of opening of eateries have gradually increased and magnetised the attention towards them. In a restaurant to be made successfully operational the main dictum is to fix the menu in order to make it saleable and to communicate to the mass. The point of success and potential of the outlet should be focussed in order to cut a renowned name in the society. The business rotates around the structure of the menu, the cost of the ingredients, the employment cost together on which the entire infrastructure is going to be framed. The menu pattern which is framed to run the restaurant needs a regular introspection and often introduction of new cuisine to enhance the growth of the outlet. The study of this topic is going to carry from the perspective of 10 Greek street, a restaurant in London and shall carry along a self evaluation to e xplicit a clear idea about the project. Task A (a) Principles of Recipe Development 10 Greek Street is a Restaurant in London, a very simple unshowy outlet ,yet containing an interesting platter of menu which is eye catching as well as amicable. The organisation follows the following principles while designing its recipes: To make a healthier recipe 10 Greek Street believes that a recipe should not only be munchy and tasty but it requires a healthy and balanced mixture of ingredients to fulfil the balance of the health. Substitution of ingredient and making the food healthier It targets to create a menu which has a nutritional value like less salt, fat and calories,and more importantly sugar.Food alone is insufficient to make one healthy. So a dietary balance which includes proper mixture of protein , carbohydrate and fat is very much required. Light Cooking – The prepared food are not heavily fried in order to ensure that they are not taxing heavily on the consumers health. Healthy Cooking and Living style. The most important factor for a good and healthy life is to make the food edible and digestible, both at the same time. Target Audience – The restaurant does prepare the recipes keeping in mind the demands of the target Audience. One can take the example of Brecon Lamb preparation which is cooked with white beans, Tomatoes, Olives and Anchovy prepared with very light and healthy oil and little spices. This is a very popular dish amongst its customers and follows the above principles. Task A (b) Factors that influence the Menu Planning Decisions The factors which influence the menu planning decisions is not only cost oriented but also depends on the target audience , their availability and the quality. Considering each target group which includes teenagers, middle aged and elderly group their demands vary and each needs a different combination of food for their sustenance. Menu planning decisions depends largely on a number of factors which include the customers choice of vegetarian or non vegetarian , either allergic or alien to certain ingredients. Competition in the Market 10 Greek Street, is focussed on the factor that the quality of food, the price of the menu and the quality is under sharp vigilance so as to compete and survive in the Market. Where it is situated:Â  The most important point of thought for the restaurant is to produce the food according to the locality. The outlet should be aware of the neighbourhood and thus motivate the ambience accordingly. Adopting new trends: The outlet has to groom itself according to the choice of the customers. Being on the country front requires more new and adoptable recipes than the people residing in the suburb who are comparatively less prone to accept the change. The kitchen parameter: The kitchen of the organisation is compact and prepared to produce the food mentioned in the menu chart and does not de motivate the target audience with extra non producible items. Supply, cost and the variety: The restaurant is conscious in supplying the food as per the requirement and does not overrate itself. The costing of each item is buyer friendly ,and the variety concept is applicable only during the occasions such as Christmas, and New Year Eve. Dietary change on demand: The company is flexible to produce the customers with their food of choice when required. Such as for Diabetic people or preparation for the vegetarians. The above principles are very important to run the menu of the organisation and it does so as to keep the pace of its publicity. Task (A) c The Influence and Requirements of the Service Methods The British Food Industry is supposedly one of the biggest food groups across the Globe. Their service method is also very compact to keep their market upright and concentrate on the class of customers whom they can satisfy. The service concept should be Task (B)a Justification of Designing a Menu The British Food Industry considered to be one of the biggest upcoming and growing industries requires an attention of improvement .The study of National Health Service Britain provides the world with a report that obesity is a rampant disease that is percolating the living beings specially the Homosapiens. Fast Food, Junk Grubs and long paucity in the food habits leads to the occurrence of this self eating ailment. The crossing of the Body Mass Index (BMI) leads to the growth of the blood sugar level leading to coronary disease, type two diabetes, and many more. The food habit is the primary concern which requires a regular examination and incurring fatty food requires vigorous exercise to burn out. The food served and the menu catered in the restaurant is often money minting concept than health concern. In that case the structure of the menu being less heavy, cooked in light oil and not being always too delicious can fulfil the requirement of an interesting menu and also the develo pment of the health. It is often stated that the gastronomy factor is in direct in confrontation with the taste buds and people tend to gobble spicy foods to achieve happiness. To halt the process the structure of the menu cards demands fast transformation. Modern age demands a very fast life with gorging into excessive fat and high calorie food with very little of physical exercise. The deposition of extra calorie heads towards the cause of depression and makes a person get into a continuous food habit. The Justification requires to incorporate a new eating style that sounds healthy and gives the stomach a sense of peace. Task (B)b Development of Food Service, Ambience, Supportive Menu, Recipe and Service style. There has been an intense concern about the health System in London and entire Britain. Eating of a balanced diet or following an exercise regime is now often suggested and fast food avoid is a must. People are now delving into the health conscious factor and are cutting down their restaurant food habits .Under such circumstance the food outlets require to cut short their high calorie charts and boil down towards, the easily consumable quality food. There has been enough publicity through the press and medical journals in order to awaken the minds. Not only the company should provide a healthy chart but they should also be the mentors to educate their new food habits. The environment requires peace and service friendly which has been already floated in the market. There should be a change in the development of human brain and subtraction of the concept of junk food from the minds. The process is in progress and the people are gradually finding it a more friendly ambience to become di sease free. Task (C) A new food concept according to the Customer requirement – The NHS report stands out to be threatening. If the standard rate of calorie hike is so fast then it can be assumed that the change is on the doorstep. The combination of food which we came across 10 Greek Street comprises of high calorie and fat content. This menu card which is being offered for Lunch and Dining consists of Desserts, ice creams ,mayonnaise ,shrimps all which contains the increase in the body weight . The people have fallen prey to it and what is required is simplicity. The menu format should consist of— Boiled vegetables b) Salads c) Fruit Salad d) Protein like fish and lean meat e) fatless milk and soya milk ice cream and desserts. The menu chart requires public attention and their acceptance. It is then only, the new food concept can be introduced and better results are expected. Task( D) Evaluating oneselfReview of the Project Report and Suggestions for the Betterment The SWOT analysis. The food trail that has been studied in the above project aided me to develop a specific thought about a human health concept. The menu which an outlet in general follows, prevents from making a man healthy and nutritious. Strength The healthy food concept which is straight, simple and light keeps a man from many a number of ailments. The diet which is available in an outlet does not always bank on the digestive capacity of a person. It is more bent on the tongue liking factor, the publicity and the demand of the organisation. Whereas a simple outlet which provides good quality food turns the human fraternity more happy and energetic and I have learnt a lesson that way. Weakness The food service sector has by and large increased in number and in London has generated a magnanimous business. And I have observed that keeping in mind the monetary factor the food service industry is very fast adding certain salts and recipes which are detrimental for health.I am assuming a destruction regarding the health of human beings but it is very tough for me to transform the entire system. Opportunity The Food service Industry now is getting into a turning point. Depending on the NHS London survey report the chain of food outlets growing can be curdled and in result very quality systems can emerge thereby divulging the old methods of food making.Good and healthy recipe with low calorie and fat can always be interesting and can pull in more number of people thus in return making them health conscious.I have observed that the medical reports threatens people and they run into solutions.So it can be said that there is always an opportunity to improve and develop. Threat My project Report leaves me threatened with the fact, sooner the better. The journey to change the menu and the recipe system does not depend only on me. It is a mass work and from this I have learnt that its true saying that ‘ An Apple a Day keeps a Doctor away’.That is me too need to pay attention on the food cycle and be very much aware. Since entire London is deeply delving into the practise of food and service I feel that it is high time that my thoughts are percolated into their minds and a change is very fast needed. But it also has ensured me that learning is a continuous progress and its not only me but we all need to change our lifestyles as fast as possible.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cima Defines Management Accounting As The Process Of Identification Accounting Essay

Cima Defines Management Accounting As The Process Of Identification Accounting Essay Accounting is the methodical or precise recording, reporting, and assessment of financial deals and transactions of a business. Accounting also involves the preparation of statements or declarations concerning assets, liabilities, and outcomes of operations of a business CIMA defines Management Accounting as the process of identification, measurement, calculation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to ensure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources. An important contrast between the two segments of accounting is that management accounting is not mandatory in the sense that a company is free to do as much or as little as it likes and no regulatory bodies or agencies specify what is to be done, or, for that matter, whether anything is to be done at all. The sole objective of management accounting is to provide the managers with a detailed analysis of the cost incurred and to assist them develop strategies to increase profits and reduce costs. Costing is a function which links both financial and management accounting. Without proper product cost information a manufacturing, wholesale or retail organization would be unable to segregate the cost of sold and unsold outputs. Such segregation is essential to obtain periodic profitability measurement. Introduction of finance Finance can be defined as the art and science of managing money. Virtually all individuals and organization earn or raise money and spend or invest money. Finance is concerned with the process, institutions, markets and instruments involved in the transfer of money among and between individuals, business and governments. Finance, in another word, can be defined as the management of the flows of money through an organization, whether it be a corporation, school, bank, or government agency. Finance concerns itself with the actual flows of money as well as any claims against money. The term financial management, managerial finance, corporate finance, and business finance are virtually synonymous and are used interchangeably, most of the managerial finance. Finance is regarded as the life-blood of the business unit. This  function involves planning, procurement and effective utilisation of the funds of the business. Relationship Between finance and accounting Finance concerns with account because financial accounting is one branch of accounting. Accounting relates to booking of the historical transaction of an organization and it leads to preparation of financial status of the company stating that asset and what liabilities are held by the entity as on the day when relevant period like a year ends i.e. Balance Sheet Financial status is concluded from the accounting records (i.e. balance sheet, profit and loss account). Account keeps the record of the organizations income, expenditure, asset liabilities and by evaluating those transactions finance makes the decision for investment like where to invest? How much funds to invest? Etc. In a short form we can say that where account ends of keeping records, finance starts the work by evaluating them. Finance is connected with accounting. The accounting process produces one of the essential raw materials needed to make financial decisions, financial data. Accounting is a tool for handling only the financial aspects of business operations. It is geared to the financial ends of business only because these are measurable on the scale of money values. The distinction between financial management and management accounting is semantic one, but the gap between the two is rapidly closing. Financial management, however, has the broader meaning of planning and control of all activities by financial means, while management accounting originally meant the internal management of finance. The accountant devotes his attention to the collection and presentation of financial data. The financial officer evaluates the accountant statements, develops additional data and arrives at decisions based on his analysis. As a matter of fact, sound financial management is a matter of good accounting Accounting and Finance is a very important function of any business either for profit making or for non-profit making institutions. It provides an avenue where a business analyses its operations in terms of what they own, what comes and what goes out. This write-up looks deeper into the accounting and financial processes in an organization and the problems associated with these processes. The introduction part tries to look into the meaning of accounting and finance and the processes involved in each case. The main discussion focuses on deeper diagnosis of the problems encountered in accounting and financial processes. Functions of the business The function of a business can be divided into two parts.1) Primary function 2) secondary function Primary function is a function of that kind which is needed basically to operate an organization. The primary function of business can be divide into these parts Finance function Production function Marketing function Finance function: finance is regarded as the life blood of the business unit. This function involves planning, procurement and effective utilization of the funds of business. Without finance function it is not possible to run a business Production function: The function of production involves making or production of a product or creating services by using human resource, raw materials and capital. A number of process, technology, and techniques are use for production. It entails plant location and layout, plant building, production planning and quality control. For the production function it involves with human resource function and finance function of business. Since production helps in the creation of utilities, this has been considered as the most important function of the business. Marketing functions: this function is primarily linked with the distribution of manufactured product or services. It involves with the sale of the product. For that function it uses human resource and finance. For smooth marketing of the product, the marketing manager decides on the product, its packing and branding, deciding the distribution channel and promoting the future sales. Secondary function of the business is accounting. When a business comes in an operation, it has its some transactions of income and expenditures. Those transactions lies in accounting function of the business. The secondary function can be divided into these parts Collect and analyze data from business transactions. Keep transactions according to system of accounting Prepare financial statements Send the report to other departments of the business. Relating finance with other business functions Financial management is an integral part of overall management. It is not a totally independent. Finance is omnipresent and it is associated with the plans and results of every functional department because every proposal and every decision entails financial problems or has an influence on financial results. it is closely associated with economics, accounting and interfaces with such areas as marketing, production, human resource management and quantitative techniques. Finance and economics: Finance and economics are closely related. Economics as defined by economist is the study humans behavior in producing, exchanging, and definition the materials, goods and services he wants. The definition is somewhat similar to our definition of finance. Finance might be viewed as the study of economics events in which it is possible to put a rupee sign on the transaction. In this context, finance is an application of economics. The individual interested in making financial decision is well served by having a sound foundation in economics. The link between economics and financial management is close. A study of financial management is likely to be barren if it is divorced from the study of economics. Financial management has, in fact, evolved over the years as an autonomous branch of economics. . Finance and marketing: Financial management is intimately related with marketing. The financial manager while formulating credit and collection policies for the firm must consult the marketing manager because these policies directly affect magnitude of sales of the firm. Whether to sell for credit, to what extent and on what terms are parts of the sales strategy of a firm. But they have financial implications too because the funds will be tied up in receivables must be made available and any shift in policies will affect on receivables. Thus this aspect of business decisions involves both sales and finance. Alongside this, the financial manager will have to draw upon the fundamentals of marketing while deciding whether to invest funds in a given business enterprises and in discovering how to market stocks and bonds (R.M. srivastava; 1986). What marketing personnel forecast, the financial manager then determines the financial dimension of the forecasts. Finance and Production Function: Financial management is also closely associated with production functions. Any changes in the production functions may necessitate capital expenditures, which the financial manager must evaluate and finance. He is primarily responsible for supplying funds to finance inventory and fixed assets, which must earn sufficient return to cover the cast involved in procuring funds. Finance and human resources management: Human resources management, the management of investment in personnel or employees has important financial considerations. At the organizational level, financial manager must decide whether it would be profitable to finance special training for employees or not. Finance and Quantitative techniques: Financial management is also closely related with quantitative techniques. The advance study of finance requires considerable sophistication in quantitative methods. An understanding of statistical techniques appears to be especially valuable since May financial decisions rely on observing relationship and acting on the basis of these relationships. particulars Debit ( £) Credit ( £) Stock 1.1 Purchase Fuel power Building Salaries Machinery Debtors Cash at bank Wages Carriage outward Investment Rent Stationery Goodwill Interest in debenture Sales Share capital Creditors Reserve fund Profit and loss appropriation account 6% debenture 30000 550000 5000 200000 10000 200000 100000 25000 20000 5000 200000 10000 20000 20000 5000 800000 450000 10000 20000 20000 100000 Total Trial Balance Adjustments Closing stock at the end of the year was of  £ 30000 Provide Depreciation on building at 5% and machinery at 10% and provision for doubtful debts to be maintained at 5% on sundry debtors Outstanding salary was  £2000 and wages were prepaid for  £ 3000 The Directors decided to pay 10% dividend on paid up capital and transfer  £10,000 to the reserve fund out of profit. particulars Debit  £ particulars Credit  £ To stock 1-1 To purchase To fuel, power To wages 20000 Less, pre-paid 3000 To gross profit c/d To Depreciationed 30000 550000 5000 17000 228000 By sales By closing stock 800000 30000 830000 830000 Total 830000 Total 830000

Monday, August 19, 2019

Natural Language Processing :: essays research papers

Natural Language Processing There have been high hopes for Natural Language Processing. Natural Language Processing, also known simply as NLP, is part of the broader field of Artificial Intelligence, the effort towards making machines think. Computers may appear intelligent as they crunch numbers and process information with blazing speed. In truth, computers are nothing but dumb slaves who only understand on or off and are limited to exact instructions. But since the invention of the computer, scientists have been attempting to make computers not only appear intelligent but be intelligent. A truly intelligent computer would not be limited to rigid computer language commands, but instead be able to process and understand the English language. This is the concept behind Natural Language Processing. The phases a message would go through during NLP would consist of message, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and intended meaning. (M. A. Fischer, 1987) Syntax is the grammatical structure. Semantics is the literal meaning. Pragmatics is world knowledge, knowledge of the context, and a model of the sender. When syntax, semantics, and pragmatics are applied, accurate Natural Language Processing will exist. Alan Turing predicted of NLP in 1950 (Daniel Crevier, 1994, page 9): "I believe that in about fifty years' time it will be possible to program computers .... to make them play the imitation game so well that an average interrogator will not have more than 70 per cent chance of making the right identification after five minutes of questioning." But in 1950, the current computer technology was limited. Because of these limitations, NLP programs of that day focused on exploiting the strengths the computers did have. For example, a program called SYNTHEX tried to determine the meaning of sentences by looking up each word in its encyclopedia. Another early approach was Noam Chomsky's at MIT. He believed that language could be analyzed without any reference to semantics or pragmatics, just by simply looking at the syntax. Both of these techniques did not work. Scientists realized that their Artificial Intelligence programs did not think like people do and since people are much more intelligent than those programs they decided to make their programs think more closely like a person would. So in the late 1950s, scientists shifted from trying to exploit the capabilities of computers to trying to emulate the human brain. (Daniel Crevier, 1994) Ross Quillian at Carnegie Mellon wanted to try to program the associative aspects of human memory to create better NLP programs. (Daniel Crevier, 1994) Quillian's idea was to determine the meaning of a word by the words around it. For example, look at these sentences: After the strike, the

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Race for Rats in The Winter of Our Discontent Essay -- Winter of Our

A Race for Rats in The Winter of Our Discontent Some runners look only to the finish line, choosing to ignore what they step on or who they pass along the way. In The Winter of Our Discontent, Steinbeck portrays the dawning of a selfish American society concerned solely with winning personal races. Set in a small New England town during the early sixties, the story focuses on the life of Ethan Allen Hawley, an intelligent man with prestigious family history who is employed as a grocer to the dismay of members of his family and the community. At the beginning of the novel, Ethan had not yet adopted the new religion of America, to "look after number one" (26,291) in order to gain money and social standing. However, as the story transpires, Ethan, like other characters, chooses to succumb to temptation and to put himself above others as all costs, as though focusing on a shiny red, white and blue finish. Ethan’s downfall represents America’s loss of family, social, and moral values as individual success becomes all-impo rtant. The Hawleys’ conflicts typify the breaking down of the American family as selfish desires distance each member from the family unit. Ethan and his wife, Mary, pursue different goals in life and lack communication. Unlike Ethan, Mary "dreamed of good fortune†¦" (46). Ashamed of her husband’s job, she tells Ethan "A grand gentlemen without money is a bum" (43) in one of the few arguments the couple have. Often, Ethan and Mary avoid confrontation by acting silly because they accept the separation in their marriage. Ethan admits, "so many things I don’t know about my Mary, and among them, how much she knows about me." (56) Because they’d rather chase their own goals instead of meeting in the middle, ... ...eal to rob a bank where his friend, Morph is employed (284). His greed inspires him to plot several money-making schemes, unstoppable until he has more than enough money, and his lust pushes him to Margie’s house one evening (341). Ethan becomes "possessed" (99) with the new values of American and drops his morals on the sideline. After his possession, Ethan commits selfish act after selfish act until the close of the novel when he chooses not to kill himself in order to save his daughter (358). Ethan knows he’s been running in a rat’s race. America’s new obsession with "taking care of number one" at any cost sacrifices family, social and moral values that are priceless. Selfishness makes for a lonely America in which each person is so blinded by his own goals that he cannot become close to anyone else. Those who choose not to run that race win their souls.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Personal Develop Plan

.0Introduction University is a time for personal exploration and growth, as well as gaining subject knowledge and skills. Entering a university is a very important in a person’s life, but at the same time it is an experience that will change your lifestyle and personality forever. The purpose of this essay is to show the goals of my personal development plan in the college. The goals include academic goal, personal goal and career goal. Through these goals I want to achieve my goals and improve myself. 2. 0Main body 2. 1Academic goalFirst of all, the academic goal means this goal must be academic. This goal is aimed to improve some skill which is good for study. It is connected with students, make sure that can achievement. My academic goal is pass the subject assignment for my first semester. When I started my degree study, I am worry about that. I think I need to improve many skills in the first semester. So I planned three activities to achievement it. First activities is r ead more books about business skills, I can go to the library borrow some books about that.Through this activities I can get more information then use to my assignment. A second activity is group study. I need to find partner group with me. Complete team work can help me grasp more skills, but I also need improve on my ability to work in a group. A last activity is solving some problems about assignment. Find to problems which are need our solving. I can use the Internet or books to solve it. I now feel relaxed. These activities help me to achieve my goal. In the future, I will keep on achieving my new goal, and try to find much more method to help me. 2. 2Personal goal Personal Develop Plan .0Introduction University is a time for personal exploration and growth, as well as gaining subject knowledge and skills. Entering a university is a very important in a person’s life, but at the same time it is an experience that will change your lifestyle and personality forever. The purpose of this essay is to show the goals of my personal development plan in the college. The goals include academic goal, personal goal and career goal. Through these goals I want to achieve my goals and improve myself. 2. 0Main body 2. 1Academic goalFirst of all, the academic goal means this goal must be academic. This goal is aimed to improve some skill which is good for study. It is connected with students, make sure that can achievement. My academic goal is pass the subject assignment for my first semester. When I started my degree study, I am worry about that. I think I need to improve many skills in the first semester. So I planned three activities to achievement it. First activities is r ead more books about business skills, I can go to the library borrow some books about that.Through this activities I can get more information then use to my assignment. A second activity is group study. I need to find partner group with me. Complete team work can help me grasp more skills, but I also need improve on my ability to work in a group. A last activity is solving some problems about assignment. Find to problems which are need our solving. I can use the Internet or books to solve it. I now feel relaxed. These activities help me to achieve my goal. In the future, I will keep on achieving my new goal, and try to find much more method to help me. 2. 2Personal goal

Friday, August 16, 2019

Coming of Age: Esperanza Rising Essay

Most kids seem to think that going to school and getting an education is boring and even a waste of time but that was not the case for these two girls. Francie Nolan and Esperanza Cordero are two very different characters that come from very different backgrounds. However, for both of them, education played a pivotal role as they matured. It helped them escape reality, and opened the door for a better life. For Francie Nolan education was something that was always stressed in her family. Her mother Katie made her and Neeley read either the encyclopedia or some of the works of Shakespeare, every night before they went to bed. This greatly expanded their knowledge and vocabulary. Also, since she started them doing this at a young age what they read would help shape their mind and the lessons and things they might have learned would stay with them forever. Some things she read like A Midsummer Night’s Dream have very vivid descriptions of setting and very intriguing characters. I think that after Francie reads these novels she tries to come up with her own descriptions for Brooklyn, â€Å"Prairie was lovely and Shenandoah had a beautiful sound but you couldn’t fit these words into Brooklyn. Serene was the only word. Especially on a Saturday afternoon in the summer.†(Smith 1) These words show how Francie describes her city and the words she uses are far more advanced than what any other child her age would be Steers 2 saying. Therefore, this shows the positive effect that reading Shakespeare has had on her. Besides the books she is forced to read at night, Francie takes her education into her own hands. Every Saturday, while most other kids she knows, including her own brother Neeley, are outside playing or picking rags to give to the junkman, Francie goes to the library. â€Å"It was an old shabby place but Francie thought it was beautiful. The feeling she had about it was the same feeling she had about church.†(Smith 20) This shows me that Francie feels safe in the library and she goes there to escape reality, to dive into the new and exciting worlds those books present to her. The books also help Francie escape reality in the sense that they give her peace in a time and a city where that was hard to find. â€Å"†¦ She read, at peace with the world and as happy as a little girl could be with a good book and a bowlful of candy.†(Smith 24) As she watches from her perch on a tree outside her window, â€Å"Kids ran in and out, going to and returning from the butcher’s, the grocer’s, and the bakers†(Smith 24) From Francie’s perspective all the kids, most of them probably around her age, are very stressed as they run around doing errands for their parents. Francie is able to avoid that stress by reading. Esperanza is slightly different from Francie. She uses her writing, not reading as a way for her to escape her reality. Specifically, Esperanza is interested in writing poems. She would always read her poems to her Aunt Lupe. Sadly, her Aunt Lupe dies of a mysterious disease and Esperanza no longer had anyone to share with. That was made even worse by the fact that Esperanza felt partially responsible for her Aunt’s death. That responsibility, even if it was not actually hers, was a big burden on Steers 3 Esperanza. Then Esperanza remembered something that her Aunt had said to her the last time that Esperanza had shared one of her poems with her aunt. â€Å"That’s nice. That very good she said in her tired voice. Esperanza, you must remember to keep writing. Always keep writing. It will keep you free.†(Cisneros 61) Esperanza had said that at the time she did not know what her Aunt Lupe meant, and when I first read that line, I had no idea either, but after reading it over I realized that she meant that Espeanza’s  writing would keep her free from reality and that no matter what happened to her, she could always find relief in writing. In the last vignette in the novella Esperanza says, â€Å" I make a story for my life, each step my brown shoe takes†¦ I like to tell stories. I am going to tell you the story of a girl who didn’t want to belong.†(Cisneros 109) This quote gave me the idea that the whole novella could have been Esperanza writing down her memories from Mango Street, as a way of letting go and moving on to the next place. However, that idea is not supported throughout the whole novella. In some vignettes, use of the resent tense makes it seem like Esperanza wrote things down as they happened and then later went back and edited them or added details. She is using her writing to set her self-free like her Aunt Lupe said. The last way that Esperanza is using writing to free herself and escape reality is that she is always going to be writing wherever she goes. One of the last lines of the novella is, â€Å"And I packed up my papers and pencil as I say goodbye to Mango Street.†(Cisneros 112) This shows that no matter where she goes or whatever troubles may befall her in her new home she will always have her writing to help escape reality and let go of the bad times. Steers 4 Another way that education helped Francie as she matured was that it helped open doors for her that led to a better life than what she had in Brooklyn. Francie was excited for school but she found the local public school cruel and mean, â€Å"and her learning was juxtaposed with the cruelties of the teacher’s and students.†(Smith 156) This quote clearly shows that the public school was not a good place to learn and that Francie would not be able to get a good education there. However, that did not stop her from getting an education. Her mother largely supported this. She pretended that she lived in a richer section of town, and her mother paid extra tuition so that she could go to a better school and receive a better education. I think one of the main reasons for this is that Katie, one of the â€Å"proud and strong Rommely women†, was too proud so she would not allow her daughter to receive a sub-par education. In this new school, children were not judged based on how rich or poor they were. Later on in the novel, after eighth grade graduation, when Katie is unable to support all three  kids after Johnny’s death and Francie’s education is cut short so that she can get a job and help support her family. At first this seemed unjust that Katie would have Francie deprived of an education when she could clearly do more with a good education and would do more things than Neeley would. I thought that Francie would feel indignant, about this treatment, however, the job did not discourage Francie from pursuing her education. Even though the Nolan’s could only afford to send one child to high school,(and Katie chose to send Neeley), Francie still found a way to enroll in college summer classes and was still able to pursue her dream of higher education. When I reflected on this I realized that Katie probably knew that Francie would not ever stop her from getting an education whereas she would Steers  have to force Neeley to go to school in order for him to get educated because he had an infinitesimal desire to learn. This really reinforced how passionate Francie is about her education, which was shown in the first chapters where she would go to the library and read books rather than spend her Saturday outside with the neighborhood kids. â€Å"Francie liked school in spite of all the meanness, cruelty and unhappiness. The regimented routine of many children, all doing the same thing at once, gave her a feeling of safety.†(Smith 161) This quote shows how Francie likes school because in a busy world, it is one of the few places that mollifies her anxiety. Francie ends up matriculating to college at the University of Michigan where she will finally get the education she deserves. The novel comes together and Francie finally is able to leave Brooklyn. Education opened doors for her and allowed her to lead a better life. Esperanza’s education and writing also opened doors for her and allowed her to leave Mango Street and let go of all the bad memories she had there. The writing helped very much as she matured and provided an outlet that she greatly needed in order to â€Å"let go† of Mango Street so she could move on and lead a good life. During her one year tenure on Mango Street Esperanza experiences and goes through many different and powerful things. She makes friends, hits puberty and becomes interested in boys, and even is sexually assaulted and betrayed by people who she thought were her friends. Many of these things would have been difficult to deal with, even traumatizing, if  Esperanza did not have her writing to use as an outlet. At the end of the novella, days before Esperanza is due to leave Mango Street her friend Alicia says, â€Å"Like it or not you are Mango Street. It is a part of you now.†(Cisneros 107) In this, Alicia is saying that Steers   Esperanza may leave the house on Mango Street but she will never be able to leave behind all of the memories she has there. If this was true, I think that it would be detrimental to Esperanza as she matures even more in becoming a true adult because during her time on Mango Street, she had some adult experiences and went through too much too fast. I believe that if Esperanza were unable to truly leave behind Mango Street it would hinder her maturing greatly. However, because of her writing, Esperanza can write everything down as a way of distancing herself from her experiences on Mango Street. This will make so that she can mature as an adult without complications and eventually make her able to lead a successful and fulfilling life. Both of these young women use education as the focal point of their coming of age. It helps them to escape their realities and let things go, and also to pursue higher education and a better life so that later they may come back and help others do the same. Works Cited Page †¢ Smith, Betty. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. New York: HarperPerennial, 2006. Print. †¢ Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1994. Print.

AIDS Epidemic among the Gay Community

Gays or homosexuals are oftentimes criticized in the community because of the so-called â€Å"morality and/or religious† issues. They are often misunderstood and degraded since they are perceived as different or deviant.One never knows how it feels like to a gay unless you become one. Nevertheless, the society in general is not acceptant to homosexuals considering that they are also members of the bigger community. Ideally, this marginalized sector also deserves the same respect as straight individuals though the level of identification and approval of the gay community varies from one nation to another.In fact, many gay figures have emerged, gained popularity, and excelled especially in the entertainment industry and in the field of arts and designing.The health issue on AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome has been existent for a very long time yet it has remained and maintained its controversy mainly among homosexuals in the American community.Maybe because of the ri sing number of AIDS victims especially among gay men and yet the impacts of endeavors to eradicate, if not minimize, this infectious disease is not that comprehensive or maybe ineffective as of this time.In the United States, HIV infection and AIDS have had a tremendous effect on men who have sex with men (MSM) (HIV/AIDS, 2007, para.1).  Many health agencies not only in the United States but all over the world have created programs specifically for AIDS but so far some proved successful while other are still ongoing or under investigation. This topic on AIDS never lost its value of interest that is why this is chosen as the health topic at hand.AIDS Epidemic  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2Before going into this project, it is assumed that AIDS in the United States is not that prevalent among the American gay population. Nevertheless, according to the AIDS Primer (n.d.),  The fact that the disease affected mostly gay men and was transmitted through sexual contact further stigmatized those infe cted with HIV, and by extension, the gay community, in general.Because of this â€Å"origin† and the socio-cultural and religious climate in the United States at that time, AIDS was labeled then as the â€Å"Gay Men's disease†; in fact, it was considered then as primarily a â€Å"White Gay Men's disease† (para.2).It is also assumed that majority of the AIDS cases in America are not from the gay community. MSM accounted for 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents in 2005 (based on data from 33 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting), even though only about 5% to 7% of male adults and adolescents in the United States identify themselves as MSM (HIV/AIDS, 2007, para. 1).In North America, Western Europe and other developed nations, most cases continue to be transmitted sexually between men (Sowadsky, 1998, para. 1).Another assumption implicates that the United States is very much active with the AIDS movement and has trimmed down the number of deaths per year. Yet, â€Å"Despite the new drugs, 40,000 young Americans are dying (because of AIDS) every year† (Horowitz, 2001). This simply shows that efforts in eliminating AIDS are still reluctant in the United States.AIDS Epidemic  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3Based on the readings from scholarly journals and the internet, it can be concluded that AIDS is still a dangerous health ailment with no 100% cure so far. It can be minimized or alleviated through certain drug treatments and therapies but total eradication from an infected individual is still impossible at present.It is also learned that AIDS cases in the United States are more catastrophic among the African-American community since two decades ago, especially among young gay adults who are sexually active and engaging in multiple male partners.In 2000, AIDS is the leading cause of death among 25-44-year old African Americans (United States, n.d., para. 2). A recent study, conducted in 5 large US cities, found that HIV prevalence among black MSM (46%) was more than twice that among white MSM (21%) (HIV/AIDS, 2007, para. 2).Based on the findings, it is further stipulated that AIDS should be taken more seriously since cases and deaths are still increasing annually in contrast to the former assumption that AIDS prevalence has been already successfully controlled. Even innocent children are affected.